Since a decade GREEN LINE proposes to the market its products for the high quality content and thecnologic, semplicity in the use, ever searching new technologic solutions to combine functionality and quality.
GREEN LINE since 1999 thanks to exclusive suppliers, proposes to its esteemed clients a wide range of products of high quality and renewed design destined for living location of high esthetic content, ready to satisfy new needs and requests.
Quality of selected material and long experience acquired grant to GREEN LINE a warranty in the quality of its products proposed in the various solutions of furniture which enhance the value of living in which are placed granting a welcome atmosphere.
WARNING: The company doesn’t provide assembly and installation.
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Buonasera, l’ombrellone è arrivato oggi. Tutto perfetto. Grazie!
Buongiorno sig.ra Marilena, Volevo comunicarLe che abbiamo installato la tela che avevo acquistato presso di Voi qualche settimana fa. Il telaio dell’ombrellone e’ stato modificato ad hoc e la tela nuova calza molto bene. Siamo molto contenti del risultato e quindi volevo ringraziarLa per la Sua disponibilita’ e cortesia.
Dear Marilena, your parasol is wonderful! Thank u 4 your kindness.